Sunday, 6 October 2013

Wait, what? Yahoo tops Google in US traffic

Yahoo bumps Google from the top spot on ComScore's list of 50 most-visited Internet properties, a position held by Google since 2008.

For the first time in five years, Google is no longer No. 1 in US Internet traffic, and its top spot was taken by a surprising competitor -- the once lackluster Yahoo.
ComScore released its monthly report on the top 50 US Internet properties Wednesday, and it listed Yahoo as the top dog in July with 196,564,000 unique visitors. Google, lagging behind slightly, had 192,251,000.
Marketing Land noted that Google has been No. 1 since April 2008. While Yahoo's numbers fluctuated, reaching the No. 2 or No. 3 position occasionally, but never making it to the top
The boost comes shortly after Yahoo's May purchase of the popular blogging site Tumblr. While ComScore still ranks Tumblr as its own entity, there's a footnote indicating that the site has "assigned some portion of traffic to other syndicated entities." Tumblr came in at No. 38 with 38,367,000 visitors.
Whether it's some clever number crunching or a real renewed interest from consumers, these latest figures have got to give Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, and the company's loyal employees, a good morale boost.

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