Sunday, 4 August 2013

First Ranking Of Top 30 CEOs On Social Media

This is the first global ranking of CEOs on social media. These CEOs are the pioneers and early adopters. Their impact is prompting other CEOs to rethink whether they should be involved in social media.

How Did We Create The CEO Social Media Ranking?

A few bloggers have created their own "who to follow lists" but these are not based on any ranking methodology. At the moment Klout offers the most well recognized of the metric-based measures, looking at followers and engagement across multiple social networks, but its single “score” out of 100 is mainly quantitatively based and therefore a bit raw.
Our goal was to combine the best of both approaches, taking into account both quantitative and qualitative measures to determine the top 30 CEOs on social media.
We have monitored Twitter, LinkedIn and the blogging activities of all CEOs from the Fortune 500 Global to Silicon Valley. We took into account their Klout score and looked at a range of qualitative measures around who creates true “value-added content”, as determined by users.
Value added was measured in terms of originality and positive impact on the corporate world, their industry, and application to their own company. We favored CEOs who had actively contributed to the leadership agenda. We reduced their score if it was seen as too obviously self-promoting or if we believe they have no direct involvement in social media content. We favored CEOs who had consistently contributed over time.

So Here Are The Top 30 CEOs:


Is your CEO in this list?? If not, feel free to refer to them.

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