All good things must come to an end, including Motown and many a
once-noble region or hamlet. So I have history on my side when I lob the
following grenade: Silicon Valley will take its turn someday, falling from the
heights it has attained.
I make this
assertion because if we look closely, we can already see what will cause the
decline of Silicon Valley. In fact, the valley’s residents are consciously
planting the seeds of the valley’s own demise. What’s more, I believe many of
them will celebrate when the valley is no longer on top.
My cheery assessment depends on this sleight of words: Decline
is relative, and the decline that Silicon Valley faces will be less like
watching Hewlett-Packard slip into irrelevance and more like proudly standing
to one side as the rest of the world — eventually even the less-developed world
— catches up to it. Thus, the “decline” I claim the valley seeks and will
eventually succumb to is a most desirable decline, indeed.
Digital disruption — a force that Silicon Valley gestated and
nursed from its earliest days — is now global. Digital devices, the networks
that connect them, and the software tools that prod human beings to hanker for
more of all these things will soon be everywhere. The long-term effect of
rising digital disruption will be to redistribute the benefits of the future
across the planet even as it continues to improve the already futuristic valley
that started it all. What does Silicon Valley have today that other places will
eventually enjoy as well? Access to three things the valley currently has in
Knowledge. With ubiquitous sensors in every device we own or
location we frequent, we will soon collect in a single day far more information
than we could have stored in all the hard disks manufactured prior to 2000. But
that information is meaningless if we can’t render it into knowledge, which
granted the smart people of Silicon Valley an early edge that they are now
giving away for free. Analytics available to even the lowest YouTube channel
producer now rival the most sophisticated reports CBS, NBC and ABC had
available in the 1980s. Apply even better analytical engines to the data from
Fitbit pedometers, Google Glass and the myriad of sensors that will listen to
the stress in our voices or identify behaviors that undermine our health, and
you’ve got an unprecedented depth and breadth of knowledge available soon to
anyone, anywhere.
Tools. Knowing something is nice, but being able to act on that
knowledge is even better. Digital disruption depends on the distribution of
tools — most of them free or nearly free — that equip anyone who wants to use
knowledge to initiate and test a new concept. Kickstarter and its peers provide
this opportunity for thousands of people who want to test their ideas; Amazon can
make anyone a merchant partner, an affiliate, or an author, all for no cost;
and the Square card reader just helped local merchants sell $800,000 worth of
goods and services around the Super Bowl on game day in New Orleans.
Capital. It’s not that there’s money going around. But thanks to
the knowledge and digital tools available to you, you need a whole lot less of
it to bring your idea to fruition. I recently spoke to Charles Teague, CEO of
FitNow, the company behind the wildly successful LoseIt! calorie- and
weight-tracking app. A veteran of the startup business from the earliest days
at Allaire, Charles described for me with a slight tone of disbelief in his own
words how cheaply he can launch and manage a company today compared to even ten
years ago. This is partly because the tools are cheaper — you can open your
Amazon Web Services account with a credit card — but also because much of the
value digital disruptors deliver today comes through software. And as a
successful entrepreneur who had sold his company to Qualcomm told me last year,
“It’s just software; I can do anything in software for $40,000.”
People fond of wine and cheese will argue that there’s more to
valley life than just these three things. That’s certainly true, but when you
have more knowledge, tools and capital, some of the other things the valley
prizes become common elsewhere as well. A culture of achievement, for example.
As only people who have lived in a subculture that keeps them down know, the
valley is a unique place where even surfers think they can be the next startup
billionaires, leading to the creation of a company like GoPro.
It’s presumptuous of me to suggest that all valley residents
will be so happy to be dethroned, even if the decline is only relative to the
rise of the rest of the world. Venture capitalists, lawyers and politicians
will feel the relative decline the most because their services have long been
offered under the presumption that the value they provide is scarce, an
assumption that’s now patently false. Other valley residents will be pleased,
at least if Jeff Hammerbacher, Chief Scientist at Cloudera, is any indication.
As he told me in an interview for my new book, “Digital Disruption,” “I don’t
subscribe to the ‘great man’ theory of the world. I’d much rather create
fertile soil for other innovators to plant their seeds in than just water my
own tree. “
He actually talks like that. And that’s what makes him and many
others like him the planters of the same seeds that will sow the relative
decline of Silicon Valley by lifting everybody else up to join it. Even —
perhaps especially — Detroit, home of over 250 Kickstarter projects.
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